In the Media

Video Interviews

REAL Words: Yvonne joins Rayanne to discuss becoming an author and the transformation of art.

The BookFest-Keynote & Panels – Fall 2021-Interview With Yvonne Pepin-Wakefield (Skip to 27:49)

The Douglas Coleman Show (Video Edition) with Yvonne Wakefield

Black Château Interview: Jingle Books 2021 (skip to 48:50)


REAL Words: Yvonne joins Rayanne to discuss becoming an author and the transformation of art. | June 13, 2024

Featured Articles

The Extraordinary Life of My Friend Yvonne Wakefield | March 27, 2024

Schedule a Book Talk

To schedule an in-person/virtual Book Talk at your book group, or a book signing at your local bookstore, contact Yvonne.

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